
Monday, August 27, 2007


About 95 percent of Italy’s people are Roman Catholics. Most baptisms, weddings, and funerals are held in churches, but only about 30 percent of all Italians attend church regularly. A lot of others occasionally attend church. An agreement called the Latheran Pact governs the relationship between Italy and the Roman Catholic Church. For instance, the part is about priests and other members of religious orders from military service and gives tax exemptions to Catholic organizations.

The Roman Catholic Church has had a strong influence on laws in the past, but that influence has weakened. For example, until 1970, the church was able to block attempts to legalize divorce in Italy. In 1978, voters didn’t allow the church position and voted to allow abortions.
Vatican City, the spiritual and governmental center of the Roman Catholic Church, lies entirely within the city of Rome. There are a lot of small religious people in Italy. These groups are Protestane, Muslim, and Jewish.

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